
15 September 2007

A Massive Update is Needed!

Well, it has been a while, but I am finally back up on the Internet! Even if it is dial up and painfully slow, but one mustn't grumble!
We used to have Orange as our Internet provider but after a few problems, we must have rang them a trillion times just to get fobbed off every time, so we got sick of it and decided to leave. However, we then discovered that we are about as far away from the exchange as you can possibly get and no other provider seems to be able to get us broadband access :-(
After being utterly lost without the Internet, we bit the bullet and went back to dial up.
I must admit though, that without the Internet, my house was a lot tidier (hangs head in shame) ... well that was until my husband decided to get sky plus, and then there was always something to watch and the housework went back to the bottom of the list!!

Pregnancy has been OK so far, feeling much rougher than I did with my daughter and feel sick most mornings. I have to get up and get something to eat straight away and then I have to eat it veeeeerrrrry slowly! I can't drink anything until about lunchtime or I'll be sick, which doesn't help when I'm trying to stay hydrated to get rid of the spots that seem to have taken up residence on my forehead! Apart from that, the occasional backache (for which my husband and I have just ordered a gorgeous new suite with reclining chairs... God I love him sometimes!!) and the heartburn at night, all is well!

Had my first midwife appointment at 7 weeks (well I was actually 8 weeks but we didn't know it then). She was very nice and asked what type of birth I wanted. Hubby and I explained that I wanted a home birth but he is too scared, so she put us down for a water birth at the hospital. Obviously the likelihood of the pool being free when I'm in labour isn't great so I am trying to convince hubby to let me have a birth pool at home. He has agreed to look into it and I'm going to chat to the midwife about it at my 15 week appointment.

Had my 12 week scan on the 7 Sep - all looked well thankfully. Bubs was very chilled out and was sucking his/her thumb! The sonographer measured bubs and put him/her at 13 weeks + 2 days so my due date changed from the 19 March 08 to the 12 March 08. It's not much but it's a week I don't have to worry about!

So that's about it really! Very little has happened. Hubby is working away a lot at the moment which is a pain, he is also attended the odd course to help him understand his job better (even though he has been there over a year!!) so he is away quite a bit at the moment, which can be a bit upsetting. I'm wearing my new ring that I got for my anniversary present. It's gorgeous! The only problem is that whereas normally in pregnancy your fingers swell up, mine have shrunk! So, none of my rings fit! It's very annoying when it spins round on my finger, but it's still stunning!!

So - that's it so far. Have my 15 week appointment on the 19th September where I'll be discussing a home birth (everyone keep your fingers crossed!) ands my 20 week scan is currently booked for the 25th of October - it could change as hubby is on a course that week and doesn't know if he'll be able to get away for the scan.)

SO, tada for now :-)


18 July 2007

Busy, Busy!

Had my hospital appointment today:

(info here: http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36303 )

So at least that is over and done with. Have to go back in 6 months, but at least I am not laid there at night worried about the big 'C'.

Tomorrow we go to view the photos we had taken by a professional photographer.
Dreading the ones of me, but the ones of DD and DH playing are going to be stunning. Shame they are so expensive to buy - I know I'm not going to be able to chose my favourite!

Still need to sort out transport for our pony! The people I got the £300 quotes from seem to have disappeared into the woodwork - it's now all £440+!
Typical! Still - I will continue searching (not that I have much choice - I'm not paying more the the transport than I paid for the pony!!)

Feeling OK in myself.
Have still had the odd bad cramp(s) but put this down to constipation - an extra large dose of prunes soon sorts it. I am eating about 250g of the things a day, but still it isn't keeping me regular. The joys of early pregnancy!
Never mind, it will all be worth it in the end I am sure.

Broadband will be down soon (not exactly sure when, any time from now really.) Won't be back up until probably mid August. So if there are no updates until then - that is why.

Hopefully speak to you all soon.
Thanks for reading so far.

16 July 2007

Very Happy Monser Munch

* Picked up my new engagement ring last week (not allowed it until our anniversary, but it is in the house and I can try it on and look at it!!)
* My period hasn't come,so I guess I really am pregnant (yes the positive pregnancy tests were a give-away, but I was worried that I might come on anyway)
* We have found a pony for our daughter AND my parents have given me a cheque to get it transported to it's new yard :)
* I am feeling well, and am looking forward to getting some decorating done (sadly not paint as it isn't worth it while we are renting, but I am looking forward to buying little bits and pieces to bring this house together a bit!)

I am just very content at the moment and long may it last!!

12 July 2007

Getting the hang of this pregnancy lark.

Thankfully the cramps I was experiencing seem to have gone.
I think they were constipation and trapped gas (sorry for too much information) and once I ate about 30 prunes, a couple of days later it seems to have sorted itself.

Otherwise I am feeling well - a bit tired and feel a bit sick in the afternoons, but that is probably down to not eating breakfast.
I can't stand eating in the morning - the thought of it makes me feel ill, but I remember with my first pregnancy, that if I didn't eat I was ill, if I forced myself to eat breakfast, I was OK.
SO I need to be strict with myself!

Broadband will be off soon - not sure when we will get it back - Orange say it could be 15 working days! SO it could be the middle of August!

Speak to you all soon - keep your fingers crossed that things continue to go well

9 July 2007

Oh my Gosh!!

I think I'm pregnant!

I took this test on Saturday (10DPO)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And then this one today (12DPO)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Still early days, obviously and I have been having some bad cramping, so not 100% yet, but at least I know I can do it now!!!

