
18 July 2007

Busy, Busy!

Had my hospital appointment today:

(info here: http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36303 )

So at least that is over and done with. Have to go back in 6 months, but at least I am not laid there at night worried about the big 'C'.

Tomorrow we go to view the photos we had taken by a professional photographer.
Dreading the ones of me, but the ones of DD and DH playing are going to be stunning. Shame they are so expensive to buy - I know I'm not going to be able to chose my favourite!

Still need to sort out transport for our pony! The people I got the £300 quotes from seem to have disappeared into the woodwork - it's now all £440+!
Typical! Still - I will continue searching (not that I have much choice - I'm not paying more the the transport than I paid for the pony!!)

Feeling OK in myself.
Have still had the odd bad cramp(s) but put this down to constipation - an extra large dose of prunes soon sorts it. I am eating about 250g of the things a day, but still it isn't keeping me regular. The joys of early pregnancy!
Never mind, it will all be worth it in the end I am sure.

Broadband will be down soon (not exactly sure when, any time from now really.) Won't be back up until probably mid August. So if there are no updates until then - that is why.

Hopefully speak to you all soon.
Thanks for reading so far.

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