
5 July 2007

The 1 week wait

Boy is it going slowly!!

I am desperately trying not to symptom spot.
To be honest - I'm not usually that into symptom spotting, but I lie there in the morning wondering if I feel ill.
I have backache from throwing my daughter around (playing with her - not literally just throwing her! LOL) but of course I'm think "backache - is that a symptom"


On a high sugar diet at the moment - not very healthy I know. Nipped to the petrol station last night to get some more butter as I fancied making some shortbread biscuits, but they didn't have any so I just bought about £5 worth of sweets...!
I felt very sick after eating most of them, had to concentrate very hard on not being sick whilst making love to hubby! Ahhh the romance!

OH is stressed at work at the moment - they are moving him around from section to section and he is having to do lots of courses and then they change there mind again so he has to do more courses. He is taking it out on me a bit - not in a bad way, but he'll get back from work and just be in a mard. He'll sigh and stomp around moving stuff off the floor that our toddler dumped there. I know the house isn't tidy when he gets back from work, but anything I put away gets dragged out again by our darling daughter.
It's just easier to wait until she goes to bed - other wise it is just a total balls-ache!

Oh yeah - nearly forgot. He said to me (in a text) "I only agreed to have another baby because worked seemed to have settled down"
I'm really not sure how to take that.
I don't think he meant it in the way it sounds to me - but he makes out I',m forcing him to try for another baby. I am probably reading too much into it, plus I know he's stressed so I think I will ignore it for now...

Chin up :-)

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