
18 July 2007

Busy, Busy!

Had my hospital appointment today:

(info here: http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36303 )

So at least that is over and done with. Have to go back in 6 months, but at least I am not laid there at night worried about the big 'C'.

Tomorrow we go to view the photos we had taken by a professional photographer.
Dreading the ones of me, but the ones of DD and DH playing are going to be stunning. Shame they are so expensive to buy - I know I'm not going to be able to chose my favourite!

Still need to sort out transport for our pony! The people I got the £300 quotes from seem to have disappeared into the woodwork - it's now all £440+!
Typical! Still - I will continue searching (not that I have much choice - I'm not paying more the the transport than I paid for the pony!!)

Feeling OK in myself.
Have still had the odd bad cramp(s) but put this down to constipation - an extra large dose of prunes soon sorts it. I am eating about 250g of the things a day, but still it isn't keeping me regular. The joys of early pregnancy!
Never mind, it will all be worth it in the end I am sure.

Broadband will be down soon (not exactly sure when, any time from now really.) Won't be back up until probably mid August. So if there are no updates until then - that is why.

Hopefully speak to you all soon.
Thanks for reading so far.

16 July 2007

Very Happy Monser Munch

* Picked up my new engagement ring last week (not allowed it until our anniversary, but it is in the house and I can try it on and look at it!!)
* My period hasn't come,so I guess I really am pregnant (yes the positive pregnancy tests were a give-away, but I was worried that I might come on anyway)
* We have found a pony for our daughter AND my parents have given me a cheque to get it transported to it's new yard :)
* I am feeling well, and am looking forward to getting some decorating done (sadly not paint as it isn't worth it while we are renting, but I am looking forward to buying little bits and pieces to bring this house together a bit!)

I am just very content at the moment and long may it last!!

12 July 2007

Getting the hang of this pregnancy lark.

Thankfully the cramps I was experiencing seem to have gone.
I think they were constipation and trapped gas (sorry for too much information) and once I ate about 30 prunes, a couple of days later it seems to have sorted itself.

Otherwise I am feeling well - a bit tired and feel a bit sick in the afternoons, but that is probably down to not eating breakfast.
I can't stand eating in the morning - the thought of it makes me feel ill, but I remember with my first pregnancy, that if I didn't eat I was ill, if I forced myself to eat breakfast, I was OK.
SO I need to be strict with myself!

Broadband will be off soon - not sure when we will get it back - Orange say it could be 15 working days! SO it could be the middle of August!

Speak to you all soon - keep your fingers crossed that things continue to go well

9 July 2007

Oh my Gosh!!

I think I'm pregnant!

I took this test on Saturday (10DPO)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And then this one today (12DPO)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Still early days, obviously and I have been having some bad cramping, so not 100% yet, but at least I know I can do it now!!!



8 July 2007


Been having some horrible cramps on and off :-(
Some have been quite painful that I have had to breathe through them (I love how going through labour gives you life skills! PMSL)

I have been getting up to go for a wee more frequently in the night so I am getting quite excited.
Did a couple of OPK's as they can detect HCG but aren't really that effective.
Did one at 9DPO and one at 10DPO
Both came up positive (as they would) but they don;t mean anything.

I caved in and did a CB digital at 10pm at 10DPO...
will post the results later.

Am a little wary at the moment. I feel pregnant, but then I have the cramps and I don't feel pregnant (they feel like the AF cramps I used to get before going on the pill)

Anyway - will be testing again tomorrow morning and will post the results

Best Wishes

5 July 2007

The 1 week wait

Boy is it going slowly!!

I am desperately trying not to symptom spot.
To be honest - I'm not usually that into symptom spotting, but I lie there in the morning wondering if I feel ill.
I have backache from throwing my daughter around (playing with her - not literally just throwing her! LOL) but of course I'm think "backache - is that a symptom"


On a high sugar diet at the moment - not very healthy I know. Nipped to the petrol station last night to get some more butter as I fancied making some shortbread biscuits, but they didn't have any so I just bought about £5 worth of sweets...!
I felt very sick after eating most of them, had to concentrate very hard on not being sick whilst making love to hubby! Ahhh the romance!

OH is stressed at work at the moment - they are moving him around from section to section and he is having to do lots of courses and then they change there mind again so he has to do more courses. He is taking it out on me a bit - not in a bad way, but he'll get back from work and just be in a mard. He'll sigh and stomp around moving stuff off the floor that our toddler dumped there. I know the house isn't tidy when he gets back from work, but anything I put away gets dragged out again by our darling daughter.
It's just easier to wait until she goes to bed - other wise it is just a total balls-ache!

Oh yeah - nearly forgot. He said to me (in a text) "I only agreed to have another baby because worked seemed to have settled down"
I'm really not sure how to take that.
I don't think he meant it in the way it sounds to me - but he makes out I',m forcing him to try for another baby. I am probably reading too much into it, plus I know he's stressed so I think I will ignore it for now...

Chin up :-)

2 July 2007

The 2 Week Wait

Here we go again.

Trying not to get my hopes up and think that whatever the outcome - what's meant to be will be. But if I could switch off my emotions that easily I would be a very rich woman by now!

I am a little worried.
I have had no different feeling or any symptoms, but last night my darling daughter accidentally (on purpose!) kicked me in the stomach. It was quite hard but as she's only 16 months old it wasn't hard enough to make my stomach hurt.
However, since she did it - I have had lots of weird, what I can only describe as flutterings, in my stomach. This wasn't helped by severe backache yesterday (no, not a symptom - threw myself around on the floor playing with little'un and pulled a muscle at the base of my spine!) but even as I sit and type this, I can feel it.
Of course my brain is now going 10 to the dozen - if I am pregnant has this damaged the embryo or even killed it?
It's very silly to think like this, and as I said before what will be, will be but crikey this is doing my head in!!

Anyway - on a much nicer note my lovely husband bought me a gorgeous ring for my anniversary (can't have it until August though) It's very bling (not at all like me!!) - it was a complete bargain (less than £200 with a 3 year guarantee!) and it looks much much more expensive than it is! I am soo excited it's a little sad!!

That's all for now,
Speak soon