
13 June 2007


Have made a pact with one of my online pals (Hi Libs) to do more exercise and tone up. Double sided benefit - I will get fitter, which I definitely need to do, seeing as I can barely run up the stairs without getting out of breath and it will also take my mind off trying for a baby.

I have also found my healthy eating book where it has sections to write down what you ate for breakfast, lunch, tea and snack and to work out the calorie intake (it has an accompanying booklet listing food and the calories in them). It will be difficult as I was told by my Dr. not to lose anymore weight, especially as I am trying for a baby, but I definitely need to eat more regularly, and more healthily, so maybe having to write it down will make me more aware of what I am eating.

Have booked my appointment with the Breast clinic for the lump I found. Although my GP wasn't worried, she wanted me to get checked out there anyway - my appointment is on the 18th July -a bit of a wait but at least it is booked and I can't get out of it! Fingers crossed it is nothing to worry about.

Still bleeding, it's not too heavy so thanks Heavens for small mercies! Have been reading up on my OPK's so that I will know what to do when I can start using them. They predict the L.H. surge {definition from OPK instructions: When a woman is about to ovulate, her body releases a large amount of a hormone called L.H. - Luteinising Hormone. L.L. is always present in your urine but the levels increase (surge) in the middle of your cycle, causing you to release an egg from the ovary.} It also explains that a positive OPK is when the 2 lines are of equal intensity or when the test band is stronger than the control line. It is negative if there is only the control line or if the test line is weaker than the control line.
I thought it would be the same rules as a pregnancy test, but apparently not, so it was interesting to read the instructions.
According to the table they provide, with my cycle length being around 28 - 30 days, I should start testing with the OPKs around day 11 of my cycle. I should also not test first thing in the morning so it will be a lunchtime thing.

Hope I haven't bored you to death there!

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