
18 June 2007

Another Monday Morning

My husband and I made love last night (that's as much detail as I'll be going into!). I have told him that we will be doing so every night and some mornings this month. I haven't wanted to do this previous months as I heard that it could dilute the sperm, but when I fell pregnant with my daughter we were in the 'honeymoon period' and were pretty much 'doing it' constantly! So anyway, hubby thinks he has won the lottery this month!

After the deed had been done last night I felt really unwell. At first I thought it was because I was sitting up funny so laid down and tried to sleep, but I was really having to concentrate to stop myself from being ill. Thankfully it passed and I managed to fall asleep in record time.

Checked my cervical position in the shower last night as well. I'm not entirely sure what I was doing, but it definitely was higher up than it was when I was about to get my period so I will now add that to my 'Fertility Friend' chart. (See link at top of page).

It is appalling weather here. Wanted to nip out to the shops to get some bits for tea and to post a CD to my parents but my husband has the car and I'm not willing to get wet! So - housework it is. I have managed to put it off until now, so had better get on with it.

Bye for now

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