
17 June 2007

Phew - No Hangover!

Didn't get a chance to post last night's blog when I got home, so quickly did it just now (thankfully, even in my drunken state, I managed to remember to write a few notes in my diary! Gee I'm sad)

Woke up this morning very tired, but clear headed. Had a bit of a phlegm-y throat (lovely) from all the cigarettes but I really needed to get out and be the old me for a night.
Was worth it - feel really refreshed and ready to be a great mum again. It certainly made me realise that although I do enjoy a good night out, I could not do that kind of thing every weekend.

Have had a lazy day today. My husband made us Sunday lunch and it was absolutely beautiful. (I should have been making it really as it is Fathers Day but he wanted to do it and I wasn't going to complain!)
Have sat here eating a big packet of m&m's so have not helped my healthy eating regime - haven't done much exercise either.
That will change tomorrow. I am going to get the housework done first thing (after sorting my daughter out of course) and will do it energetically to burn as many calories as possible! Then, if I have time and if I don't feel as though my daughter has been ignored too much I will get my exercise DVD out again.

So, that's it for now.