
13 June 2007


Had quite a restless night coughing my guts up. Had quite bad back ache and stomach cramps before going to sleep. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were period pains - if I remember correctly, they felt similar to the pains I used to get before going on the pill all those years ago! I'm hoping it means that the pill will finally be out of my system and it's all systems go for this cycle.

I woke up at 4am this morning, didn't realise that I had even been to sleep and I remember wondering why it was so light in the bedroom. I checked my watch and was very confused when I saw the time!
I nipped to the loo and climbed back in bed beside my husband and of course the coughing started again (I now have very sore ribs and stomach muscles!), so when I eventually got back to sleep I didn't wake up until half past 9! Thankfully my daughter wanted a lie in too, which was very nice!

I have sorted my night out for the weekend to cheer me up. Dear husband seemed a bit miffed that he wasn't invited. I explained that it would be too late in the evening to take our daughter and he begrudgingly accepted that I would go and he would stay home and babysit.
I was a bit annoyed at his reaction, to be honest - he has had quite a few nights out since our daughter was born - I made sure he didn't miss any of his mates' parties, even if it meant me walking home with my daughter so he could stay. This will be my first proper night out in about a year, having had 2 nights out since my daughter was born, I think I need to let my hair down for a few hours!

Will post some more this evening.

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