
25 June 2007


Firstly - I know it isn't Saturday today! I haven't been able to get on the computer so I have been 'blogging' in my journal and am now updating it!

I have decided not to use my OPK's this month. I am determined to crack my peeing on a stick addiction and I think testing with them won't help, but I will continue to half-heartedly check my cervical position and cervical mucus (really have no clue what I am doing though!).

Hubby says he isn't 100% better yet, but is well enough to make love so he must be OK :-)

I got my hair done toady.
I was inspired by Miss Gobby from 'pregnancy forum' - I rang up my salon on the off chance and they had a cancellation! So I now have short hair with light blonde highlights. Very strange and will take some getting used to, but hubby likes it and it is easier to manage (although it does really need straightening, but I will only do that if I go out) so I'm happy.

Bye for now

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